I’d say I inaugurated the “scary shit” series pretty early in my pregnancy.
I was pretty sure I was pregnant the day of, if you know what I mean. After 2 weeks I took a few* “early pregnancy tests” and boom – confirmed!
Called my doctor, who said I’d have to wait until 8 weeks to have our first prenatal appointment … bummer.
3 weeks later … I started feeling a sharp pain on my left side.
My mind went crazy, thinking that I’d done something wrong and damaged my baby – I was still exercising a lot : running, yoga, stairmaster, etc.
Called the doctor 9am, on my way to the office after enduring a few conference calls at home in pain.
The nurse said I should have called as soon as I felt the pain, and dropped the bomb – ” we believe there are high chances of an ectopic pregnancy, so we’d like you to come for an ultrasound today at 11am”
No preliminaries, just the bomb, OUCH!
It’s impressive how much crazy things you can read online just about anything in less than an hour…
to sum up : “A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.”
or, according to WebMD :
“For pregnancy to happen, the ovary has to release an egg into the fallopian tube, where it stays for about 24 hours. There it has to come in contact with a sperm to be fertilized. The fertilized egg stays in the fallopian tube for 3 or 4 days before it heads to the uterus. There it attaches to the lining and continues to grow until a baby is born.
But if the fertilized egg implants in your fallopian tube or somewhere else in your abdomen, you end up with what’s called an ectopic pregnancy. In these cases, the pregnancy can’t continue normally, and it requires emergency treatment.”
At first you may not have any symptoms of an early ectopic pregnancy. They may seem very similar to a normal pregnancy. You might miss your period and have discomfort in your belly and tenderness in your breasts.
Only about half of women with an ectopic pregnancy will have all three of the main signs: a missed period, vaginal bleeding, and belly pain.
- Nausea and vomiting with pain
- Sharp abdominal cramps
- Pain on one side of your body
- Dizziness or weakness
- Pain in your shoulder, neck, or rectum
Attention to the picture : that was exactly like i felt for 2 days before calling the doctor – and of course, after reading it I suddenly started having all the other symptoms : maybe that morning sickness was not just morning sickness but the ” nausea and vomiting with pain” , and hmmm, and I’m feeling dizzy ?
It is crazy what your mind can do to your body …